[50+] Best Ertugrul Gazi Quotes Images in English

Are you looking for Ertugrul Gazi quotes in English? You are on the right page, we have shared the 50 best Ertugrul quotes in English with images. you will learn a lot of things from Ertugrul's quotes about success and love. Right-click to download Ertugrul Gazi quote images one by one to share on social media with friends. 

Ertugrul Gazi is a legendary Turkish figure and the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. He was a military leader who defended Anatolia from Mongol invasion and led his people to victory at many crucial battles. His life story has been preserved in epic poems and ballads and he is one of the most prominent historical figures in Turkish history. This Ertugrul Gazi quotes images will help you understand the life and times of this.

Ertugrul Gazi was born in 1281. He started his military career with the support of Kadi Burhan al-Din and Suleyman Shah. When he became an adult, he went to Trabzon, where he married a slave named Ayşe Hatun. His father was Seljuk Sultan Mesud I (1192-1204). The name of his mother is not known.

Ertugrul Gazi Quotes In English With Images

One who has no dreams, has no future. - Ertugrul Bey
It is harder to live bravely than to die bravely. We will do the harder of the two. - Ertugrul Bey
Those who are on the side of the Almighty, He will never leave them alone. - Ertugrul Bey
I will protect the oppressed even if he is my enemy. But I will not forgive the traitor even if he is my brother. - Ertugrul Bey
I am only the enemy of oppression and betrayal. - Ertugrul Bey
The most powerful conqueror on Earth is justice. - Ertugrul Bey
The seed which is not willing to let its shell rot, can not bear fruits. - Ertugrul Bey
Do you think you can scare me? I have one life and that belongs to God. - Ertugrul Bey
I have no fear of death. If I surrender before I finish my last breath, then that breath is forbidden for me. - Ertugrul Bey
What is in our hearts, we will reveal by our words and our deeds. - Ertugrul Bey
We All came from God, and we will return to Him. - Ertugrul Bey
This gold was used to bribe the weak among us. - Ertugrul Bey
If we are thankful for what we have, our hearts will find peace. - Ertugrul Bey
Only those who can dream big can walk forward in the road of victory. - Ertugrul Bey
Stay true to justice and the righteous, do not accept anything but freedom. May your path be open. - Ertugrul Bey
We know our dying means we come together with God, but we will live for God, for the state. - Ertugrul Bey
Do not despair. Instead of enjoying ourselves while sitting in a position of authority that is based on defamation and betrayal, it is far more valuable to be thrown into a dark dungeon and be with Al-Haqq. - Ertugrul Bey
Existence is a school. Everyone is a student. God is the only teacher. - Ertugrul Bey
Victory will not lead us to arrogance or laziness. We prefer to win one heart rather than a thousand castles. Our goal will be to bring humanity together. - Ertugrul Bey
I can handle everything, but not Betrayal. - Ertugrul Bey
The tears we shed, water the gardens in our hearts. - Ibn Arabi
Those who live in the past want to escape from their duties. - Ibn Arabi
The desires of this world are like sea water. The more you drink of them, the more you thirst. - Ibn Arabi
Never let oppressors plant the seeds of hatred in your hearts. - Ibn Arabi
If we only serve God, and seek help from him alone, it means we are on the right path. - Ibn Arabi
Every bird flies with their own kind, eagles with eagles, crows with crows. - Ibn Arabi
Pens can solve what weapons cannot. - Ibn Arabi
I follow the way of love, and where love's caravan takes its path, there is my religion my faith. - Ibn Arabi
Do you think you can scare me? I have only on life, and that belongs to God. - Turgut Alp
The real hero is one who knows how to rise when he falls down.  - Turgut Alp
Magic is not about your hair or how you look, but rather it is in your heart.  - Turgut Alp
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.  - Turgut Alp
As long as we follow Allah's path, nobody can bring us to our knees. - Ertugrul Bey
What is in our hearts, we will reveal by our words and our deeds. - Ertugrul Bey
We don't ask mercy from anyone except God, even if we are facing death. - Ertugrul Bey
Fighting for justice single-handed is batter than being Sultan of the world. - Ertugrul Bey
We can identify the brave during battle, and good friends with their advice. - Ertugrul Bey
Life is mostly froth and bubble, two things stand like stone. Kindness is another's trouble, courage in your own. - Ertugrul Bey
We rather die than again a home by betrayal. - Ertugrul Bey
The victory is not ours, it belongs to God. As long as we follow God's path, nobody can bring us to our knees. - Ertugrul Bey
The strength of our enemy is a symbol of our bravery. - Ertugrul Bey
Even if the whole world turns against us, it will never be possible for us to support a tyrant. - Ertugrul Bey
 If your heart is pure and pure, no evil force in the world can surround you. - Ertugrul Bey
The stories of the forefathers are not told to wake children, but to wake men up. - Ertugrul Bey
Wherever a person goes his sustenance reaches first. - Ertugrul Bey
The struggle is ours but the victory belongs to Allah. - Ertugrul Bey
Don’t try to ride a horse you can’t Control. - Ertugrul Bey
The sword rests in the hand of him who knows how to wield it. - Ertugrul Bey
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Here are some of the best Ertugrul Gazi quotes that will help you grow both as a person and as an individual. Feel free to share this post with your friends!

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